Write your local publications about what matters to you. Share your insight about how the world around you has affected your choices. I sent a letter to local publications to highlight the importance of active participation in the democratic process through thoughtful selection of our elected public servants.
Letters to the editor featured:
Candidate selection should also involve being open minded to learning how various challenges posed will be confronted and solved by our leaders.A series of interviews of various candidates in State races were featured. I had the pleasure of interviewing candidates for the State Board of Equalization for the Nov. 2 2010 race:
Interviews of candidates and presenting debates/forums:
Propositions can be very confusing so study them well not only for their intentions but also to identify the supporters and opposing groups as well as their unintended consequences. I had the opportunity to take part in sharing the importance of striving for a balance in representing the pros and cons on various propositions on the Nov. 2, 2010 ballot:
The link is: www.hayward-ca.gov/departments/cityclerk/media/LWV_PROP_DEBATE_082610/LWV_PROP_DEBATE_082610_files/Default.htm
Thank you,
Dr. Jennifer H. Ong