Join Us for An Exotic Elegant Culinary Experience on September 16th.

Please join

  Barry Picazo of Fort McKinley Restaurant

“an exotic elegant culinary experience”

with co-hosts


Alice Bulos* Hon. Steve westly

Councilman David Canepa * Carol Ong * Jorge Jaramillo

Mark Nogales * Steve Arevalo * Levin Sy

in Support of

Dr. Jennifer Ong O.D.

Candidate, 20th Assembly District

Supporting a community leader who is a product of public school education, a small business owner and a health care provider

Sunday, September 16, 2012


 Fort McKinley Restaurant

101 Brentwood Dr.
South San Francisco, CA 94080

5 minute walk from San Bruno BART station/FREE parking

Support small businesses, check out Fort McKinley’s beautiful cuisine a


All are welcome! Suggested Minimum Contribution at $100 / $45 for Youth and Emerging Leaders


¨  I am sorry that I cannot attend Jennifer’s event(s).  You may count on my  support for her campaign.

Enclosed is my/our contribution in the amount of: $3,900, $1,000, $500, $250, Other: ____________

PAYMENT:           Secure Fax 510-864-0100 or Print and Mail

¨ Checks:  Please make checks payable to “Jennifer Ong for Assembly 2012


¨ Credit Cards:  Please charge $____ Visa ___ MasterCard______________________________________________________________

                                                                                                                              Card Number                                                   Exp. Date                               Security Code


State law requires us to obtain the following information:


                Your Name                                                                                                                                                Your Signature

Residence/Business or Credit Card Billing Address/City/State/Zip:



Name of Company/Office Where Employed_______________________________________________________________

Committee ID Number (for PAC’s)________________________________


PLEASE MAIL YOUR CONTRIBUTION: Jennifer Ong for Assembly 2012 • 2244 Ione Street, Sacramento, CA 95864

Visit us at

For more information regarding campaign fundraising activities,please contact

Laurie Earp at (510) 839-3100  or 


Contributions are not tax-deductible for federal or state income tax purposes. Paid for by Jennifer Ong for Assembly 2012 • ID #1337034