Contribute to Jennifer


You can donate quickly and easily with your credit card using



Join us at upcoming fundraisers, make a contribution today and

extending invitations to your networks will help ensure the success of

our campaign to elect Dr. Jennifer Ong for State Assembly O.D.- turning

challenges into opportunities for all Californians!


Tell your family or friends to vote for Dr. Jennifer Ong O.D. for State

Assembly on Nov. 6th.

They must be registered to vote in:

San Lorenzo, Cherryland, Ashland, Fairview, Hayward,  Castro Valley,

Sunol, Union City, North Fremont to Mowry exit

An interactive ma of the Ca Redistricting Commission’s 7/28/2011

certified assembly district can be found at:


We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you at future events.

Warmest wishes,



Yes, I support Dr. Jennifer Ong for State Assembly District 20


• Please use my name as an endorser




• Enclosed is my/our contribution in the amount of:


_ $7,800 _ $3,900 _ $1,000  _ $250  _ Other: $_________


Each individual, union, PAC, and organization may contribute up to a

maximum of $3,900 per election.  Small contributor committees may

contribute up to a maximum of $7,800 per election.


• I will attend Jennifer’s event on ____________ with ____ [# of] guest(s).

[PLEASE provide guest(s) name(s).]


• I am sorry that I cannot attend Jennifer’s event(s).  You may count

on my  support for her campaign, and I am pleased to enclose a

contribution to support her efforts!


PAYMENT: Secure Fax 510-864-0100

• Checks:  Please make checks payable to “Dr. Jennifer Ong for Assembly 2012”


• Credit Cards:  Please charge $________________  __ Visa     __ MasterCard



Card Number Exp. Date Security Code



Name on Card (please print) Authorized Signature


State law requires us to obtain the following information (please print):


Name  _____________________________________________________________________

Address ____________________________________________________________________

City ___________________________________________ State ____Zip _________________

Day Phone__________ Eve Phone_________ FAX   __________  Email____________________



Committee ID Number (for PAC’s)__________________________________________________


Contributions are not tax-deductible for federal or state income tax purposes.

Paid for by Jennifer Ong for Assembly 2012 • ID #1337034

For more information regarding campaign fundraising activities,

please contact  (510) 839-3100 or .




Jennifer Ong for Assembly 2012

2244 Ione Street

Sacramento, CA 95864