Meet Jennifer

Thank you for taking time to read my candidate statement and learn more about my personal history, my policy interests, and my political views.

My family came here from the Philippines. I grew up in San Leandro. My dad was a grocery store produce man and my mom sold hot dogs in the Coliseum. Their hard work enabled me to earn my Doctorate in Optometry at UC Berkeley. Today, I run my own practice.

My personal story shapes my policy interests. It all starts with jobs. My parents had good union jobs, with health insurance for us. Every family deserves that. My good public education gave me the chance to attend a great university. Every child deserves that opportunity. As a health care provider, I care about health issues and why I am so supportive of the First Lady’s campaign against childhood obesity.

My politics are simple. I believe in personal responsibility. Every person who can work, should work. Every parent must partner with their children’s teachers. Everyone should pay their fair share of taxes – nothing more and not a penny less. And every political leader should treat taxpayers’ money with respect.

I try to live my politics. I volunteered in Hayward schools. I donate health care to the poor. I started a grassroots campaign against Hepatitis B. I volunteer on the Family Violence Council and Child Assault Prevention Program.

I am running for Assembly to help others have what California gave my family and me.

Dr. Jennifer Ong O.D. is uniquely qualified for Assembly District 20’s seat:

  • Jennifer has first-hand experience of what decent jobs can do for working families
  • Jennifer is a successful product of local public school education
  • Jennifer purchased and has successfully managed her own optometric practice after securing a small business loan over 12 years ago employing 6 staff members and contributing directly to the local economy and the community.

Over 20 years of Legislative Experience:

A strong advocate for health care in Sacramento and Washington D.C., having served as a member of the State Government Relations Executive Board of the American Optometric Association,

Dr. Jennifer Ong O.D. contributed to the development and passage of legislation including:
1) SB 120 – legislation which required nutritional information to be posted in restaurant chains
2) AB 1224 – legislation which increased access to vision services for the needy especially those living in remote areas
3) The prevention of the elimination of eye care benefits to Medi-Cal recipients

The product of hard working parents creating opportunities for families to prosper:

Jennifer is the daughter of a father who was a member of UFCW Local 5 and a mother who was a member of Unite Here Local 2850. Dr. Jennifer Ong received the endorsement of AFSCME Council 57 and is a member of the (AFSCME affiliate) Union of American Physicians and Dentists (UAPD), Asian Pacific American Labor Association (APALA), an active supporter of Castlewood workers for Unite Here Local 2850 and past member of SEIU Local 1021 as an attending and teaching optometrist at La Clinica de La Raza.

My Priorities:

  1. Creating jobs that lead to career opportunities
  2. Decreasing crime within and outside of homes
  3. Prioritizing accessible quality education
  4. Increasing access to health care and good health (including environmental, individual and public health

You can also view my resume here.